MARCH BUNCO was held at brooke's house! RODEO was the theme so everybody came wearing their WESTERN DUDS. we ate some tasty COWGIRL GRUB. here were the winners...
MOST BUNCOS stephanie c MOST WINS brooke 2ND MOST WINS janice MOST LOSSES ginny LAST BUNCO liz
MAR 03.12 - brooke APR 04.09 - sherry MAY 05.14 - julie JUN 06.11 - stephanie c JUL 07.09 - mary AUG 08.13 - ginny SEP 09.10 - wilma OCT 10.08 - darlene NOV 11.12 - michele DEC 12.10 - stephanie s (CHRISTMAS BUNCO - bring your glass!)
next bunco is on wednesday, march 12th at brooke's. since it’s RODEO TIME she'll be servin' up some COWGIRL GRUB and with it you may want to wear your WESTERN DUDS! :)
let brooke know if you can't make it and need a sub.