SEPTEMBER BUNCO was held at BROOKE'S house this month. we were missing the BUNCO BOX but that didn't stop us. STEPHANIE C eventually found it though. we feasted on chicken pasta casserole, fresh bread and salad and drank BLACK BOX wine. we celebrated STEPHANIE C's and MARY's birthdays with a homemade strawberry cake. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, girls! by the way, we should really work on our singing. i'm just sayin'...
lots of subs... MARLENE, DEBBIE, KIM, our newest neighbor on the circle, and HOLLY, brooke's neighbor, subbed for the missing WILMA, STEPHANIE S, MICHELE and SHERRY. we had so much fun. someone even wet their pants. okay, she didn't REALLY wet her pants but her pants were wet. oh, nevermind...
lots of ties... the prize for MOST BUNCOS went to GINNY who tied with JULIE. they each rolled 4 buncos. MARY and HOLLY split 1st and 2nd most wins and each took home $15. $5 went to DARLENE who tied with LIZ for most losses (12). KIM rolled the LAST BUNCO and got a STARBUCKS gift card! the subs always win... ;)
next month's bunco will be at WILMA's. see you there!