JANUARY BUNCO was at SHERRY's house. we ate SPINACH SALAD, VENISON/GOOSE/SHRIMP GUMBO, and amish FRIENDSHIP bread ~ it was all DELISH! no liz, steph c, or julie so we had THREE SUBS ~ marlene, debra and kathy. we listened to JOHN MAYER... we drank lots of water... we watched GEORGIE do tricks... we talked about the two hour lines at RANDALLS store at jones and west roads ~ they were closing and are having a 50% off sale. and somewhere in there we managed to roll some DICE. here's a quick run down of the WINNERS... like i always say, SUBS always win... :)
most buncos > LAURA, 4 ($25)
most wins > DEBRA ($20)
2nd most wins > KATHY ($10)
most losses > GINNY ($5)
last bunco > STEPH S (amarylis bulb)
NEXT BUNCO will be saturday, february 13th at LAURA's house in coles crossing. it'll be COUPLES BUNCO so that means the HUSBANDS are invited... or we can bring a DATE. hehe! and speaking of what to bring, we are each to bring a SIDE DISH and it's also BYOB.