THE BEST BUNCO GROUP EVER met last wednesday at STEPHANIE S' home. it was CHRISTMAS BUNCO and all twelve BUNCO BABES were present -- no subs! STEPHANIE S made a lovely dinner which included ham, SWEET POTATOES with onions and apples, risotto and baked tomatoes -- yum!!! we had CHEESECAKE for dessert and drank lots of wine too. we had so much fun mingling, we didn't even play -- except for one big ROLL-OFF to see who would take home the prize. all twelve of us started out rolling for the highest number with GINNY, STEPHANIE C and SHERRY tying with 6's which meant another roll-off. SHERRY came out on top, rolling another 6, and got some SASSY GLOVES and a box of pretty ornaments. we decided to use the money in the pot to purchase flowers and a WINDCHIME for the funeral of michael rice, the 16-year-old son of one of our neighbors who moved away a few years ago.
it was another long bunco night -- i think it was close to 11pm when i finally got home. what a great group of BUNCO BABES. i feel so lucky to be one of them. merry christmas everybody!
1 comment:
Watching Brooke come in late and try to make her "craft bracelet" that sherry had brought was a hoot! Bless her heart, she just wanted to know why we didn't just go ahead and do it for her...little did she know our evil plot to watch her fail miserably to fit those beads on that broken string! I think I p'd on myself.
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