the BEST BUNCO GROUP EVER met at BUNCO-BUSTIN' BROOKE's for MARCH BUNCO. all twelve girls came decked out in their best WESTERN WEAR. for supper we enjoyed some mighty tasty barbecue with all the fixin's, green bean casserole and a potato dish plus freshmints which included wine and good ol' beer. we had APPLE PIE with ice cream for dessert.
WILMA > most buncos (3)
GINNY > most wins
STEPH C > 2nd most wins
MICHELE > last bunco (cash)
LAURA > most losses
SMACK N' ROLL SHERRY and HEE-HAW STEPH C had a heap of wins at the HEAD TABLE until they were BUCKED OFF by GIDDY-UP GINNY and darlin' darlene. SIDE-WINDIN' WILMA won most buncos and LASSO LAURA had the most losses. a hog-killin' good time was had by all including JINGLE-JANGLE JULIE, good ol' mar-e and LONE-STAR LIZ. we had a TOWN HALL meetin' to discuss a new PROPOSITION that would allow us to re-roll whenever the three dice rolled equaled whatever we were rollin' for in that particular round. we decided to see how it goes next month when we gather at steph c's.
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