the BEST BUNCO GROUP EVER played at STEPHANIE S's house. we enjoyed homemade CHICKEN SALAD, fresh vegetables, salad, sweet potato chips, HUMMUS with chips and two desserts: OREO cookies with cool whip and LEMON bars. both were yummy. and WINE. lots and lots of wine. :)
we had two subs: PATRICIA (aka: "PAT") for liz and MARLENE for stephanie c. we had so much fun we almost forgot to play. here were the big winners of the night:
most buncos > LAURA
most wins > JULIE
2nd most wins > SHERRY
most losses > MARLENE (subs always win)
last bunco > WILMA
WILMA rolled the last bunco of the night as the bell was RINGING. lucky for her because the prize was a goodie bag filled with all kinds of treats like a chocolate truffle scented CUPCAKE CANDLE, a FIZZY ball, and a pretty smelling bar of SOAP.
we talked about having next month's bunco at STEPHANIE S's house again and it being an over-nighter — a bunco-over / sleep-over / drunk-over / hang-over on FRIDAY, JUNE 11th. but plans are still up in the air so stay tuned for details. :)
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