SEPTEMBER BUNCO was at DARLENE's house. WILMA was out of town so SHELLY, a friend of darlene's, subbed. comfort food was on the menu -- pot roast with potatoes and carrots -- along with salad and a pumpkin pie trifle for dessert. Highlights of the night were MARY rolling 14 3's in a row and STEPHANIE rolling 3 buncos in 1 round. we enjoyed MENAGE A TROIS and MIDDLE SISTER wines as well as LAND SHARK, SHINER and BUD LIGHT beer. we must have had a lot of fun because we drank all the liquor. LAURA won last bunco of the night and took home two pretty fall candles.
most buncos > SHELLY {tied with STEPHANIE}
most wins > BROOKE
2nd most wins > SHERRY
most losses > MARLENE {tied with GINNY and STEPHANIE}
last bunco > LAURA
october bunco will be a wilma's. see you there!

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